Crafting Hoian lanterns: A tradition through generations

Hoi An’s vibrant lanterns often feature clearly in tourists’ check-in photos when they visit this ancient city. These lanterns are not only a symbol of Hoi An’s beauty but also a longstanding product of the local cultural heritage.

When these colorful lanterns of Hoi An light up the sky will create a unique that is found only in the ancient town each evening. Visitors to Hoi An, no matter the time of year, can admire the intricate and eye-catching lanterns hanging in shops and along the streets.

If you are traveling to Danang on the 14th day of every lunar month when the moon is at its fullest and brightest, you should see visual delight around town. Light turns off, the street is the max saturation by thousands of colorful lanterns. 

1. A story of 400-year 

Back to the 16th century, Hoi An was a bustling port, frequented by Chinese and Japanese merchants who brought along lanterns to hang in front of their doors as a reminder of their homelands.

With years of tradition, the local people embraced this cultural practice as well and began hanging lanterns in front of their houses to bring good luck and fortune. By around 1988, the local government decided to organize a lantern festival on full moon nights each month. Then the Lantern Festival in Hoi An, also known as the Festival of Lights, has since become a highly anticipated event for locals and tourists.

2. How to make a lantern in Hoian

Choosing Lantern Styles in Hoi An

When you visit Hoi An, you’ll encounter hundreds of lanterns in various shops, all appearing quite similar in color, material, shape, and size. This similarity, however, is part of what creates the vibrant glow of the lanterns. Each color has its unique significance: red for luck, yellow for joy, crimson for elegance, and green for freshness.

Hoi An
Lanterns become iconic in Hoi An

Hoi An lanterns come in a variety of shapes, including round, octagonal, hexagonal, pumpkin, garlic, barrel, papaya, fan, and umbrella shapes. Additionally, artisans create intricate lanterns shaped like dragons, fish, and even moving lanterns, all in a spectrum of colors.

Specially crafted antique lanterns passed down through generations, are displayed only during the Festival of Lights. Made from precious wood and intricately carved, these lanterns feature beautiful glass paintings. If you have the chance to visit Hoi An during this festival, you can witness these historical lanterns under the moonlit sky with the lively festival atmosphere, and experience a glimpse of the past.

Selecting the Right Bamboo and Fabric for Lanterns

The bamboo used to make lanterns must be old and still fresh. To ensure durability and prevent termite infestation, artisans boil the bamboo and then soak it in salt water for 10 days. Afterward, the bamboo is dried and split into thin strips according to the size of each lantern.

All stuff to make the colorful lantern
All the stuff to make the colorful lantern

The lantern covering must be made from silk or silk satin. The color of the fabric influences the beautiful light emitted by the lantern, creating different aesthetic effects based on the fabric’s hue.

Crafting the Bamboo Frame 

Making a form for lantern is the challenging step for tourist
Making a form of lantern is a challenging step for tourist

The process of making lanterns involves two main steps: crafting the bamboo frame and covering the frame with fabric. First, thin bamboo strips are attached to two wooden rings to form the lantern’s frame. These strips are connected with durable nylon strings to ensure the frame’s stability.

Covering the Frame with Fabric 

The fabric, typically cut into pieces that match the size of the lantern, is then glued onto the bamboo frame. Any excess fabric is trimmed for a clean finish.

Hoi An Class
The lantern in our way is the best souvenir for friends

Silk fabric, particularly silk satin, is often used to cover Hoi An lanterns to add an element of tradition that enhances their appeal. This detailed process and high-quality materials contribute to the widespread popularity and aesthetic charm of Hoi An lanterns.

Decorating the Lanterns

Lantern workshop

After completing the steps of crafting the bamboo frame and covering it with fabric, the final and crucial stage is decorating the lanterns. This step is essential as it adds beauty and breathes life into each lantern. Various techniques are used, such as painting with calligraphy brushes or printing patterns onto the fabric. Decorations can include playful designs, animals, and flowers, especially appealing to children during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

3. What to do at the Lantern Festival

Floating Lanterns

Hoi An lanterns floating on the Hoai River

Buy a floating lantern, make a wish, and release it onto the river. This tradition is believed to bring good luck and happy.

Street Food Delights

Rice pancake specialty – Banh Xeo

Stroll through the festive streets of Hoi An and indulge in its renowned street food. Don’t miss out on local specialties like Cao Lau, White Rose dumplings, and Banh Mi.

Cultural Performances

traditional activity
A popular traditional activity in Vietnam Hoi An Lantern festival

Enjoy cultural performances and traditional rituals that take place during the festival. You can ask local authorities or event organizers for the event schedule.

Visual delight

Hide a boat and enjoy the the festival of light on the Hoai river
Hide a boat and enjoy the festival of light on the Hoai River

Experience the enchanting beauty of Hoi An during its Lantern Festival, where lantern-lit streets and traditional architecture create a picturesque scene perfect for capturing the memorable photograph

Crafting lanterns in Hoi An is a cherished tradition that illuminates the town’s rich cultural heritage. As you stroll through the lantern-lit streets during the festival, you’ll feel a deep connection to Hoi An’s past and present. Each lantern tells a story of community and artistry, creating an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re making a wish with a floating lantern or enjoying local street food, Hoi An’s lanterns will leave you with glowing memories that last a lifetime.

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